The world and technology as we know it is rapidy changing and now things are easier than they have ever been before. We are busy people with busy on the go lifestyles that breed the need for us to be able to access information and send messages or information almost automatically. We are completely addicted to our smart phones and frankly, why woudn’t we be? Smart phones have completely changed the world as we know it and now we expect everyone and everything to be at our fingertips and at our demand. We’ve become pretty spoiled actually, but it is the way things are now and Hypermedia, has been working around the clock to make sure we can provide you the technology you need to keep running your busy life. We intend to keep up and continue being an industry leader in technological advancements and systems to make our lives more moble, more simple, and more fun.
The way we choose to make payments these days has really changed from the way it used to be. I remember when I was a kid, I watched my father sit at the kitchen table once or twice a month and he would open bill after bill after bill. He’d start at the top of the stack and would hand write out checks to each company. Then, with care, he would put the checks in an envelope folded in the statement and adress the envelope back to the company. He would then lick a stamp and put it on the envelope and then put that on his pile of “outgoing” mail. Once he had done that, he would pull out his check book register and make the necessary adjustments to the bank balance in his check book. Once he had made a note of the change in the bank balance and rebalanced the check book, he would start the process all over again and start tackling the next bill on the top of the pile. That process lasted a couple of hours and he meticulously opened, paid, mailed, and recorded every bill and did it over and over again. It looked like the most boring thing in the world to a little kid, but I’ll give him credit- the man paid attention to detail. I admire him for that.
Things aren’t the way they used to be any more. The way we pay bills and transfer money to and from our accounts is totally different now than it was back then. Due to the technological advancements of cell phones and now smart phones, the entire enviornment has changed and the process of the way we do things is vastly different. The way we use and transfer money is no different. In fact, making payments mobally has come a long way! Just a few short years ago, no one would have imagined that you could send or receive money using just a few clicks on your phone. Thanks to the new USSD Gateways that offer USSD payment systems, all of that has changed. Hypermedia Systems has developed THE platform for mobile payment systems that has never before seen features and is more user friendly than ever. We have a full sql/oracle integration and we can support multi operators at any given time and multiple payments at any given time. We have builld our system to be able to grow and scale at will so you will never have to worry about a crash or down time due to too many payment transactions going through at once. We want our system to be simple and easy to use so we have tried to think through all of the nice features that our users would want to have. We have built-in efficient and functional transaction status queries. We made sure we added a top of the line queue management system and we have given our top priority to building the most robust reduncancy solutions available; so you’ll never have to worry about a glitchy system- no matter what the situation is. We have also taken the time to build in a banking topup gateway and revolutionized the platform with our stk gateway. Now that you have a general overview of what we are and how we operatate, let’s dive in and and we’ll give you more details.
It can be hard to understand some of the ins and outs of what we said above. We know, we get it. It’s a lot of techie talk and jargon that sometimes is hard to follow. A USSD mobile payment gateway is a way to be able to send and receive funds on your phone instead of having to go to your bank, atm, kiosk or shops. You can also use the system to purchase your SIM card charges so you don’t have to keep a bunch of SIM cards laying around for use at a later date. The previous example was just one example of how our gateway might simplify your life. If you want to pay some bills, you don’t have to go to your bank or lick a stamp and send your check in through the mail. With our new mobile payment gateway, everything is available on-demand when you need it. We have helped to get rid of old paper clutter, bills, statements, and balancing checkbooks and all of the other things you used to have to do to manage and run your household and life. Now, everything is right in the palm of your hand and you can stay up to date at all times with your finances, bills, bank accounts, and obligations.
More specifically, some of the benefits of our system are as follows:
- SQL/Oracle Intergration- provides our system an interaface that integrated with Oracle. That way you can browse, manage your database applications and monitor. You can perform other Oracle tasks like use, import and export applications, have customer exception reports, tune your queries, drop applications, deploy applications and modify your applications. You can also export pages.
- Multiple operator supports- you never have to worry about our system crashing with too many people trying to use the application at the same time. We can grow and expand and will and have the availability to support multiple users across the globe with our bandwidth.
- Multiple payment transactions- similar to multiple user support, we also offer multiple payment support. You can send and receive payments at the same time with no hassle and no system confusion. We have built our system to allow for multiple actions at once.
- We have built in a transaction status query so you never have to wonder what the status of the transaction is. That is automatically updated every few minutes to give you the most up to date information available.
- We have a robust queue management and a priority redundancy solution in place. With increased sophistication of technology and increased frequency of use, the last thing you want is a Denial of Service (DoS) or a worm attack. Service availbility is a crucial element for any technology and our network infrastructure is designed to give you high availability and give a source of redundancy so that you have access to the system when you need it, every time with little to no down time.
- We offer a banking topup gateway as well. To enable rich integration between banks and our platform. We are a top provider of prepaid and banking channels. They are readily configured and created with our platforms interface. Our gateway functions as a middleware component that will safely transfer money from your bank to your destination and will consider all cancellations, inquiries, or adjustments made on every transaction.
Bi-directional High Speed Communication
A USSD gateway allows bi-directional and high-speed communications to run between applications and mobile handsets. It is giving people all over the world the speed, convenience and simple availability that has changed the way most of us live our lives. It can support millions of users at once and makes it the ideal way for most people to access their services and accounts from abroad, the road, or home. Our USSD gateway is cost effective, simple, and user friendly. Our program is intuitive and the user interface is simple and appealing to look at.
So, whether you need to interact with different services like balance inquiries, bill paying, pre-paid account refilling, callback services, sports information or stats, stock quotes, games or any other possible thing you can think of, we’ve got you covered with our robust gateway. We have an open, multi-provider platform that will allow multi-users to all get their need fulfilled at once. Our network integrates seamlessly with all of the providers necessary to deploy a long and rich list of mobile services across different platforms. One of the nice features about using our service is that subscribers can initiate different USSD sessions using very flexibly assigned short codes. You can use your handheld mobile device and select from a menu or send a complete command using a single string and it will automate the request by using the USSD add-on and will satisfy all local user requirements before it sends it to the service carrier. It does this quickly and easily. The best part is you can automatically service any number of end users or providers using one central USSD management device.
As you can see we are just getting started with our mobile capabilities. It is now easier than ever to send and receive payments on your phone or use any other multi use applications. Our guarantee to you is that we will continually strive to grow and better our business even though we are already at the top in our industry. We’re not arrogant; we are always striving to improve and are up for the challenge. We always want to be at the top of our game, but we realize that will take continual improvement and evolution for better and faster products and services. We are going to continue to push boundaries and improve our technological bandwidth and services so that we can provide your mobile solutions when you need them. The world will continue to evolve and change and our lives will continue to get busier and more complex. You can rest assured that Hypermedia will always be two steps ahead of you, paving the way to the future.